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A hand drawn picture with text in the foreground saying, 'The Whales Tale'. Beside this text, a girl swims playfully beside a humpback whale. In the background, a fishing boat is on the horizon with its net stretched out behind

Image hand drawn by Jess Shead. 

About the Show

Two puppeteers hold up cardboard puppets of a mother and a baby whale, supported by long sticks.
A puppet of a little girl with an orange dress and blue and orange hair leaps through the air, supported by three puppeteers.
A puppeteer in a blue jumper holds a prototype whale puppet made of cardboard and foam. Its tail reaches upwards.

The Whale's Tale is a new show for family audiences about whales, ocean conservation, and protecting coastal communities. 

Click here to find out more about the project so far. 

The show and workshop will be visiting coastal and waterside venues around the UK. Starting with Plymouth in October 2024. 

Click here to see dates and book tickets

The Whale's Tale aims to raise awareness of the issues facing whales and what we can do to help. 

Click here for a list of our partners, with links to their websites to access inspiring resources. 

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